Green Scape

Commenced in the year of 1994 by T.C.M.Subramanian, landscape designer and founder of the firm Green Scape is well known for offering competitive landscaping services at comparatively economic budget without compromising on quality outcome of the project, ranging in scale and variety forming industrial, institutional, commercial, residential, recreational and corporate.

Equipped with wide and rich knowledge from the experience of handling a variety of projects and specialized team for specific works care is taken to turn every project a unique and exclusive work of fundamental requirement of that particular project.

The speciality lies in creation of quality, cost effective and economic gardens, that are eco friendly and bio aesthetic where the user experience stress-free relaxation and freshness of mind which invariably leads to enhancement of working efficiency.


Every project is approached as a challenge right from the initial stage of site survey followed by concept, schematic design and execution stage. Accommodative consideration of client needs, enviro-end use factors, constraints on water and budget and blending harmony between building architecture and interior/exterior over all landscaping results in soothing ambience. Sourcing trees/plants from different states of our country helps in giving cost effectiveness and desired quality.